Monday, January 12, 2009

Strange Pills

(actual Medicine Hunter, center)

Sometimes it's hard for me to fall asleep at night. Noise easily keeps my mind preoccupied and on the observe for anything creative. Already I use earplugs to forcefully cut my mind off from any sensory input to help me fall asleep.

The newest addition to my sleep enhancing strategies is called "Calming Sleep" (then in really small lettering "tablets"). The brand is Medicine Hunter, and it came in a box with his picture on it. Apparently he searches the world for natural remedies to supplement our problems. Wait, supplements to remedy our problems. Yeah, that's it.

It contains Sodium, Ashwagandha, Magnolia, Epimedium, L-Theanine, Phosphatidylserine, and other things I know nothing of in my own meanderings around the world. Something among these unpronounceable materials causes me to have dreams fit for elephants with big ears that have alter-ego mice and crows for friends.

Most of these dreams involve someone I love being chased after or involved in top secret operations. The normally weird aspects of my dreams are magnified and people change shape, appearance, age, gender and character much more often.

A few days ago, Commando the movie mixed with my exboyfriend and a bunch of raft-rowing Maoris and an old High School football coach....

And night before last, my little sister was of some importance that I have since forgotten and yet she changed often from age 3 to her current age, 15. I was there as her personal agent something or other for those times when she randomly became three again. And my brother was in the dream. He drove us around. Once he couldn't find where we were going, so he got out to look and when he was running off somewhere to find out where we were, he threw me his brand new Iphone -- something he would never do, not even in his own wildest dreams to save his own life -- which bounced off the ground once and I barely caught it, still open, with my forefinger and thumb. Did I mention it was raining. Doesn't even make any sense why he would leave me his phone even if he hadn't had to throw it. I guess my mind just craves the most bizarre and unexplainable entertainment.

Last night gets a little risqué. I can't go into detail right now, but it was also very strange with random characters popping up, waaaay out of place. But I got to wear some sexy little panties which is always fun to get away with. I'm not held responsible for what goes on in that brain of mine when I can't control it! ;)