Friday, July 24, 2009

so many dreams about church...

Since it was pioneer day on a friday and everyone wanted a long weekend, we decided to have church meetings on Thursday. Except, as soon as Relief Society /Elder's Quorum meetings and Sunday School were over, the brother conducting thought it would be better still to have Sacrament meeting on the actual Sabbath day, so he made the announcement that everyone could leave and we'd get back together Sunday after all. it was weird walking away from church that day knowing I go to the store and listen to popular music, etc.

Then, I was sitting the girl I always do (for some reason I was carrying her in a bag and she wasn't in a stroller...), and we were walking down the sidewalk in front of the MTC. There were actually a lot of missionaries outside the MTC walls, talking bad about people that weren't missionaries that had gone running around the MTC field ("I was like, why is she running with us? She's not in our zone!"). As I passed through the globs of missionaries, I recognized a face, an elder from my mission, Erik Edwards. He had way too much in his arms and I stopped him and asked if I could help. He was very distracted and asked "You want to know if you can help?" like he'd never had such an offer. He set everything down, and wow, was it a lot of stuff. He explained to me that it was a bunch of stuff from his brother's wedding. "His wife has had three receptions already, and I'm taking this to the last one." Whoa, high maintenance... Suddenly the surroundings changed to my mom's basement floor, except there was no ceiling, and above us still resemble the sky above the MTC. He was looking in boxes. Two boxes he was going to let me carry had old newspapers, dried corn cobs, mini cotton balls, two teddy bears, and other random things, and he said, "You know what? No on'es really going to notice if that's there or not. Just leave those boxes in the room they were staying in." Poor folks had stayed in my mom's junky basement room that we call "the pit of despair," no lie. Other people came to help Erik carry stuff and, since my boxes were back in the room, I wasn't really needed anymore. And the dream just sort of fizzled from there. It was weird because I had apparently really wanted to do anything to be around Erik...and I haven't seen him since a couple of half-hellos at the mission reunion in April. Anyway....