Friday, July 9, 2010


I had the luck of getting an orange tootsie pop. As I walked next to my unidentified traveling partner, I untwisted the wrapper and offered it to her. She barely held it in her hand before she tossed it to the ground before I snatched it back again.

"It has TWO indians," I showed it to her. She was unimpressed. We parted ways.

I passed a disgruntled housekeeping woman on my way up to my third floor apartment and she shoved some towels into my arm not holding a tootsie pop and I said, "okay, fine, I'll deliver these to my neighbor," because apparently she'd just missed them...

I get up there, hand over the towels and get into my own apartment. I change clothing and then...suddenly I'm watching The Flinstones. Fred and Wilma are shopping for new furniture. Fred holds open the door for Wilma but instead of her passing through, a whole blur of people the same height and shape as Fred push past the open door and the "audience" chuckles. Then Fred and Wilma enter together. Fred goes off looking for manly things and Wilma sits down. An echoey voice speaks her thoughts as she sits in a chair I know is the one they will have later in their home. She thinks, "What can I get that will keep my enemy out of my house." As she says it she slowly turns in the chair to face the other way and THERE IS HER ENEMY sitting right there. The leather of the seat ripples with anticipation and a cat fight begins in the furniture store. It's a rumble tumble mess and a whirlwind tussle. When it's over, I step in and realize that my sucker was caught up in the whole mess. I pull of torn fabrics and batting and go wash my sucker clean. I enjoy the first lick after the proper cleaning.


Then, I'm at another wedding, this time for some girl named Britney. She's from my home ward, I guess because again I see a bunch of people from my ward. And at the piano up front is a lady named Barbara Lepinski who for whatever reason is no longer my friend. She also says the opening prayer, telling the person that WAS going to say it that she'd actually been asked to say it, though it wasn't true...and she introduces the prayer as "what's in her heart for the special occasion." So she says a prayer and I hear something about joyous occasion and seeking forgiveness... Then the reception begins and my mom is showing people how to make's like a RS enrichment meeting and reception in one...weird. I wasn't dressed for the occasion, I don't even know why I was there. I was huddled on some back seats in a blanket with a young Anna Smith. So incredibly random...

1 comment:

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

I love orange tootsie rolls :) &two Indians IS a big deal! haha
&that wedding sounds... eh... random is a good word for it.
crazy dreamer girl...