Thursday, July 8, 2010

Honey Bunches of Oats With Almonds

My sudden marriage was a prearranged one, to a guy that I'd apparently only seen before (though his face is not one attached to anyone in my memory) and knew was already married. That saddened me, that I was going to marry a man that I didn't know, that wasn't super attractive and that was already married. I had a ridiculous hat (think chef hat mixed with Dr Seuss' cat in the hat) that was all white, and he had on a Dr Seuss tie (come to think of it, I think it was the Grinch on his tie...the groom was nice though..) and the wedding was only going to be a small out-of-temple ceremony, Dr Seuss themed. So bizarre. He was busier than I was helping people gather and checking on last minute arrangements and stuff, so at a moment when I got his attention, I got him away from everybody.

"So, we haven't really had a chance to ever speak," I started, and put my hands on his ribs, like under his shoulder blades.

"Oh yeah," and that was all he said before he kissed me, something we'd also never done before. It was a very strange kiss. It was almost like even though he was kissing me our lips weren't touching. I tried to like it but decided I would probably learn to...for some reason I was okay with this whole situation. Except one thing.

"Well, I thought you were already married..." I revealed my concern.

"Oh, no, actually. That's not my wife. I'd be crazy not to take you as my wife." He pulled me close and I could feel a large, round, soft belly in the way of getting any closer.

I shrugged inside. Yes, kind of like a "huh" in my lungs or like a lip-smirk in my heart. I guess this is it then.

The show went on. I saw old family friends gathered, talking, congratulating me, bringing gifts. Then my hat just would not go on right and my hair looked awful, like I hadn't showered in a week and it was impossible to do anything with it. I don't even recall if I was wearing a dress, only I know I wasn't naked like some dreams will arrange. I remember really looking at him, trying to know his face. He was kinda cute, but plain. His light brown hair was thin and curly, clutching tightly to his head. He also had a beard crawling around his chin, four or five shades darker than his hair. His eyes were small and light-colored, like honey. His nose was fine, normal, with a point. I didn't feel excited, but I didn't feel it was wrong. But there, looking at him, ignoring the rest of whatever was happening, the dream ended.

So I'm still single.

I also dreamed that Spongebob and Patrick were stranded after a boating picnic they went on turned out badly. This one is mostly washed away (get it, like ocean waves..hyuck) so I don't remember the details. Oh well. I'm sure I can just go watch some SBSP episode and pretty much have it summed up.

A few nights ago and consecutively I dreamed of Ty, but now it doesn't bother me, no matter what happens in it. I'm glad for that. It's because I called him and he told me I didn't do anything to offend him and so my brain is done worrying and applying meaning to things. Callooh callay! It's good to get exes out where they belong.

But, a Dr Seuss themed wedding?? I think perhaps I'll eat another bowl of HBoO with Almonds (with soy milk) tonight before I go to bed to see what else I come up with.

Imagine a groom dressed like this...

sweet dreams to you!

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